Musicians >CellArpa >Audio Files > The Lord's prayer - Albert Hay Malotte


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The Lord's prayer - Albert Hay Malotte

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Author/Composer:Author/Composer:Duo Cell'Arpa
Description:Description:Whether you are planning an evening of musical entertainment, official openings, wine tasting, festivals, gallery shows, weddings (ceremony, reception - cocktail hour and/or dinner), private parties (birthday, anniversary, Christmas / holiday, corporate) or a corporate reception in Bucharest or other city venue, the music of duo Cell'Arpa can be a sophisticated choice which can be customized for your beautiful event.
Performers:Performers:Roxana Moisanu and Mladen Spasinovici
Instruments:Instruments:Harp and Cello
File Type:File Type:Mp3
File Size:File Size:3.3 MB
External Site:External
Play Count:Play Count:634
Radio Plays:Radio Plays:1,126
Added: Sep 15, 2011      Last update: Jan 10, 2021

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