Audio Files >Genres >Reggae > "Little Patience"

Dale Hauskins

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"Little Patience"

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Author/Composer:Author/Composer:Majek Fashek
Description:Description:Reggae star Majek Fashek has been called a prophet and a poet, and has become one of Africa's greatest singers and musicians with his powerful world beat sound. In 1987, he embarked on his solo career and soon became Nigeria's biggest reggae star. After winning six awards at the annual PMAN ceremony, he was signed to CBS Nigeria, but soon transferred to Island Records subsidiary Mango, a label more accustomed to marketing reggae internationally. His debut solo album Prisoner Of Conscience, released in 1988, sold more than 200,000 copies in Nigeria alone. It was followed by "Spirit of Love" a year later, produced by the inestimable Little Steven. The Best of Majek Fashek was released in the UK in 1994, incorporating much of Majek's classic African material, and in 1997 Rainmaker was released on Tuff Gong International. His newist album "Little Patience" on the Coral Music label is in many ways Fashek's masterwork - the culmination of his lifes extraordinary
Performers:Performers:Majek Fashek (vocals, guitar, percussion); Dale Hauskins (lead,picking,rhythm guitars); James King , Paul Shapiro (saxophone); Paul Bernstein (trumpet); Josh Roseman (trombone); Jeremy Yeremanian (key
Instruments:Instruments:Vocals Bass Keyboards Drums Percussion Horns Guitars
Record Label:Record Label:Coral Music
File Type:File Type:Mp3
File Size:File Size:6.9 MB
External Site:External
Play Count:Play Count:789
Added: Apr 18, 2012      Last update: Apr 18, 2012

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