Musicians >Dale Hauskins >Audio Files > ""Caleidoscope"

Dale Hauskins

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Author/Composer:Author/Composer:Flame Dream/Roland Ruchstuhl/Peter Wolf
Description:Description:FLAME DREAM "Out in the Dark" 1981 Vertigo Phonogram AG Released: 1981 Label: Phonagram/Vertigo Cat. No.: LP 6367 016 Total Time: 41:17 Reviewed by: Tom Karr of April 2005 Switzerland's best symphonic progressive rock band of any consequence,Flame Dream released its third album, "Out In The Dark", in 1981. Recorded at Patrick Moraz's legendary "Aquarius" studio in Geneva and surpassing 1979's excellent Elements, it is a classic of European progressive rock.Flame Dream had hit it big in Europe with release of "Elements", and were mounting huge, headlining tours of the continent every year for months at a time, hitting the road in five semi trucks and a crew of eighteen. The band had even commandeered the Eden Hotel in Weggis, just across the Statter See from Lucerne, and set up for rehearsals in the historic building. Before hitting the road to promote Elements, the band decided to add a guitarist to their line up, and, on the advice of Brand X keyboardist
Performers:Performers:Peter Furrer;Dale Hauskins,Urs Hochuli,Roland Ruckstuhl;Peter Wolf
Instruments:Instruments:Vocals Bass Keyboards Drums Woodwinds lead rhythm Guitars
Record Label:Record Label:Vertigo Phonogram AG
File Type:File Type:Mp3
File Size:File Size:6.8 MB
External Site:External
Play Count:Play Count:528
Added: May 1, 2012      Last update: May 1, 2012

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