Musicians >Dale Hauskins >Audio Files > "What Am I Doing With You?"

Dale Hauskins

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"What Am I Doing With You?"

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Author/Composer:Author/Composer:Fran Landisman & Pat Smythe
Description:Description:All acoustic guitars by Dale Hauskins. Drums by Mr.Y Recorded on a Roland 2480 at The Diaz Studios Downey,Los Angeles county southern California .Written by American lyricist and poet Fran Landisman (October 21, 1927 – July 23, 2011) and Edinburgh,Scotland born jazz pianist Pat Smythe (May 1923 – 1983) All acoustic guitars by Dale Hauskins. Drums by Mr.Y Recorded on a Roland 2480 at The Diaz Studios Downey,Los Angeles
Performers:Performers:acoustic guitars by Dale Hauskins
Instruments:Instruments:Acoustic guitars,acoustic brush drums
Record Label:Record Label:Indi
File Type:File Type:Mp3
File Size:File Size:4.4 MB
External Site:External
Play Count:Play Count:563
Radio Plays:Radio Plays:982
Added: Sep 29, 2012      Last update: Sep 29, 2012

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