Dale Hauskins

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Author/Composer:Author/Composer:Beth Preston
Description:Description:"Fear" Beth Preston From Beth Preston forthcoming CD release "White Butterfly,Black Crow" 2012 Beth Preston:Lead vocals,acoustic guitar Fully Fullwood:Electric bass Dale Hauskins:Electric guitars Julien Cantelm:Drums Adam Arredondo aka Jah Mex:Fender Rhodes via Yahama Motif 6 Recorded/Tracked at Fully's Kitchen Studio San Clemente,Orange County southern California;and The Crucible Studios Eldorado Springs,Colorado http://www.cruciblerecording.com/ Mix/Recorded by Fully Fullwood It is an unlikely thing- to be introduced to a petite sweet little woman, and then when she opens her mouth, a lion roars with all the uplifting and emotional sound-waves that would shatter glass and move mountains, and still uphold a softness about it. This is a common experience that people might have with Beth Preston. Born in southern California to two music professionals, Beth Preston was raised in vibrationally rich territory that inspired much creativity and learning. Between the ocean, and d
Performers:Performers:Beth Preston:acoustic guitars & lead vocals.,Adam Arredondo aka Jah Mex:Fender Rhodes via Yahama Motif 6.,Fully Fullwood:Electric bass,Dale Hauskins:Electric guitars,Julien Cantelm:Drums.
Instruments:Instruments:Acoustic guitars,acoustic brush drums,electric bass
Record Label:Record Label:Indi
File Type:File Type:Mp3
File Size:File Size:4.4 MB
External Site:External Site:bethpreston.org
Play Count:Play Count:818
Radio Plays:Radio Plays:2,377
Added: Oct 12, 2012      Last update: Jan 23, 2013

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