Musicians >Dale Hauskins >Audio Files > "Laws and Crimes"

Dale Hauskins

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"Laws and Crimes"

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Author/Composer:Author/Composer:Beth Preston
Description:Description:It is an unlikely thing- to be introduced to a petite sweet little woman, and then when she opens her mouth, a lion roars with all the uplifting and emotional sound-waves that would shatter glass and move mountains, and still uphold a softness about it. This is a common experience that people might have with Beth Preston.
Performers:Performers:Beth Preston:acoustic guitars & lead vocals,Fully Fullwood:Electric bass,Dale Hauskins:Electric guitars,Julien Cantelm:Drums.
Instruments:Instruments:Acoustic guitars,acoustic drums,electric bass
Record Label:Record Label:Indie
File Type:File Type:Mp3
File Size:File Size:5.4 MB
External Site:External
Play Count:Play Count:565
Added: Apr 8, 2013      Last update: Apr 8, 2013

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