Audio Files >Genres >Reggae > "Johnny Was"

Dale Hauskins

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"Johnny Was"

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Author/Composer:Author/Composer:Sojie,Fully Fullwood and band.
Description:Description:"Johnny Was" by Sojie from Sojie new CD "Rise Up Native People". Recorded at Fully's Kitchen in San Clemente,California.September 2013.Lead vocals by Ras Sojie.Recorded,Mix,bass by Fully Fullwood.Rhythm guitars by Tony Chin. Keyboards by Bobby Cressey. Acoustic guitars by Dale Hauskins. Drums,percussion by Delhart "Deli" McGregor. Released on Crocodile Records LLC 2013 Indepent record label based in Southern California. NATIVE OWNED AND OPERATED since 2013. CrocodileRecords
Performers:Performers:Sojie,Tony Chin,Fully Fullwood,Bobby Cressey,Dale Hauskins, Delhart McGregor
Record Label:Record Label:Crocodile Records LLC
File Type:File Type:Mp3
File Size:File Size:2.2 MB
External Site:External
Play Count:Play Count:599
Added: Nov 20, 2013      Last update: Dec 13, 2013

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