Audio Files >Instruments >Guitar > "Love a Likkle" by Donnie G

Dale Hauskins

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"Love a Likkle" by Donnie G

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Author/Composer:Author/Composer:Donnie Greene
Description:Description:New 2016 release of easy listening contemporary smooth jazz roots reggae vibe by soulful voice singer-songwriter Donnie G garnished with legendary bassist Fully Fullwood on bass;producing and engineering.
Performers:Performers:Adam Arredondo aka Jah Mex on keyboards. The incomparable Bismarck on drums. Dale Hauskins on acoustic,electric guitars. Evan Postel on keyboard strings.JATIVA on saxophones.
Instruments:Instruments:Vocals.Bass.Keyboards.Sax.Acoustic/Electric Guitars.Drums.
Record Label:Record Label:Independent
File Type:File Type:Mp3
File Size:File Size:6.6 MB
External Site:External
Play Count:Play Count:544
Added: Mar 4, 2016      Last update: Mar 6, 2016

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