Dale Hauskins

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Me Lo Wo Nnuto

Me Lo Wo Nnuto
Me Lo Wo Nnuto
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Description:Description:This album is nicely cooked with the help of the talented and crafty Misgana Mulat who did some wonderful job throwing down the drum tracks, keyboards, and the tight basslines. Los Angeles Californian guitarist Dale Hauskins of African late reggae mega-star Majek Fashek, and England's Tippa Irie fame sweetened them up with some wicked guitar licks. Everything mixed-blended together by the legendary Jamaican bassist Fully Fullwood of Bob Marley/Peter Tosh and Soul Syndicate fame. Giving it that authentic roots reggae feel yet maintaining the African groove. Sax solo by Fernando Jativa(Dave Wakeling/English Beat).Background vocals by Ladee Dread. The name is Obre4 (Struggling Man). And Reggae is the Vibe! Obre4 was born at Mampong, Akwapim, but grew up in Kumasi, Ashanti,Ghana. His mother is Akwapim and the father, Ewe. At a young age, Obre4 set out following the crowd to Nigeria in search of greener pastures during his count
Performers:Performers:Obre4:vocals, Dale Hauskins:guitars, Sax solo by Fernando Jativa(Dave Wakeling/English Beat).Background vocals by Ladee Dread.
Record Label:Record Label:independent
File Type:File Type:Mp3
File Size:File Size:4.7 MB
Play Count:Play Count:332
Added: Nov 20, 2020      Last update: Nov 20, 2020

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