Audio Files >Instruments >Bass > "Blues in the News"

Dale Hauskins

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"Blues in the News"

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Author/Composer:Author/Composer:JAH MEX
Description:Description:From JAH MEX "FIRM SOUNDATION" Family Vybz Records 2009 Produced,mix,mastered & bass by George "Fully" Fullwood Jah Mex aka Adam Arredondo (Keyboards,lead & backing vocals,producer,songwriter) Dale Hauskins (guitars) Rock Deadrick (drums) Conscious lyrics and soulful reggae rhythms are key elements that singer/songwriter Jah Mex uses to keep listeners inspired. He discovered reggae music through the surf culture in his home town,Dana Point located in Southern California. _________________________________ Influenced by his Grandfather,who played Gospel music by ear on the piano,Jah Mex also learned to play piano by ear. His debut album is produced by world renowned legendary reggae bassist Fully Fullwood.(Soul Syndicate,Bob Marley,Peter Tosh's Word Sound and Power band)
Performers:Performers:Jah Mex,Fully Fullwood,Dale Hauskins,Rock Deadrick,Lloyd Hemmings
Record Label:Record Label:Family Vibz
File Type:File Type:Mp3
File Size:File Size:5.3 MB
External Site:External
Play Count:Play Count:865
Radio Plays:Radio Plays:2,958
Added: Jun 10, 2011      Last update: Jan 11, 2017

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