Audio Files >Instruments >Percussion > "Run Saddam,Bush Coming" from SCIENTIST "Dub 911"

Dale Hauskins

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"Run Saddam,Bush Coming" from SCIENTIST "Dub 911"

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Author/Composer:Author/Composer:Santa Davis,Fully Fullwood,Tony Chin,Jawge Hughes
Description:Description:"Run Saddam,Bush Coming" SCIENTIST "Dub 911" (2006) Nature-Sounds "Dub 911" (2006 nature-sounds label) is Scientist's first studio album of all new material in 3 years with "The Defenders Of Freedom" band. Consisting of legendary Jamaican musicians Soul Syndicate's Santa Davis,Fully Fullwood,Tony Chin,along with St.Thomas keyboardist Jawge Hughes,percussionist extraordinaireDub (The Rippingtons),Los Angeles guitarist Dale Hauskins and April Weller on vocals,with Hawaii's Reggae singer/songwriter Doug Bautista aka HUMBLE SOUL one of Hawaii's top selling reggae artists,and horns from the Mongoose band. Providing the riddims and a variety of "9/11" and "America's war on terrorism" references providing the song titles. The album opens with "The Anti-Christ", a nice dubbed up reworking of the Soul Vendors' Studio One classic "Swing Easy". The rest of this album brings the listener some entertaining, well dubbed tunes (some of them with vocal snippets of Humble Soul and April Weller.
Performers:Performers:Santa Davis,Fully Fullwood,Tony Chin,along with St.Thomas keyboardist Jawge Hughes,percussionist extraordinaireDub (The Rippingtons),Los Angeles guitarist Dale Hauskins,Humble SouSteve Ried:Percussion
Instruments:Instruments:Vocals Bass Keyboards Drums Percussion lead rhythm Guitars
File Type:File Type:Mp3
File Size:File Size:3.9 MB
Play Count:Play Count:771
Radio Plays:Radio Plays:1,439
Added: Feb 27, 2012      Last update: Feb 27, 2012

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