Audio Files >Genres >Reggae > "Let It Shine" (Live) MAJEK FASHEK

Dale Hauskins

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"Let It Shine" (Live) MAJEK FASHEK

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Author/Composer:Author/Composer:Majek Fashek
Description:Description:"Let It Shine" (Live) MAJEK FASHEK:Live at the High Sierra Music festival.Majek Fashek:Guitar/Lead Vocals Kaz:Drums Daniel Lopilato:Keyboards Mikey B Ortiz:Bass Dale Hauskins:lead/rhythm guitars Ione Angeles:Vocals ___________________________________ Majekodumni Fasheke, popularly known as Majek Fashek, is a Nigerian reggae singer and guitarist.Majek Fashek first gained national fame on a television show in the early 1980s as a member of Benin-based reggae group Jastix. His bandmates included Ras Kimono and Amos McRoy Gregg. They toured for many years with fellow reggae group The Mandators. In 1988, shortly after Jastix disbanded, he began a solo career and quickly became the best-known reggae artist in Nigeria.[7] His song "Send Down The Rain" was a hit, and he won six US-based PMAN Music Awards. After leaving Tabansi Records, he was signed to CBS Nigeria in the early 1990s before moving to Island Records' Mango imprint, a label more accustomed to marketing reggae internationally.
Performers:Performers:Majek Fashek:Guitar/Lead Vocals Kaz:Drums Daniel Lopilato:Keyboards Mikey B Ortiz:Bass Dale Hauskins:lead/rhythm guitars Ione Angeles:
Instruments:Instruments:Vocals Bass Keyboards Drums Percussion lead rhythm Guitars
Record Label:Record Label:Live
File Type:File Type:Mp3
File Size:File Size:8.4 MB
Play Count:Play Count:795
Radio Plays:Radio Plays:1,420
Added: Feb 27, 2012      Last update: Feb 27, 2012

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