Audio Files >Instruments >Guitar > "Getto Youth"

Dale Hauskins

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"Getto Youth"

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Author/Composer:Author/Composer:Tippa Irie
Description:Description:Tippa Irie:Live at SLO Brewing Company San Luis Obispo,CaliforniaTippa Irie:Lead Vocals Dale Hauskins:Guitars/Vocals Ras David:Bass Wizy:keyboards/Vocals.Chasper:Drums.Tippa Irie (real name Anthony Henry is a British reggae singer and DJ from Brixton, South London. He first came to prominence in the early eighties as an MC on the South London reggae soundsystem Saxon Studio International. He achieved his first national exposure on night time BBC Radio 1 in the mid 1980s, with the singles "It's Good To Have The Feeling You're The Best" and "Complain Neighbour" (on Greensleeves Records), before achieving a UK Top 40 hit in 1986 with "Hello Darling". He has collaborated with Alexander O'Neal, Long Beach Dub All Stars, and Chali 2na. However, he enjoyed his biggest success so far in 2003, when he appeared on The Black Eyed Peas' track, "Hey Mama". He has also collaborated with the London based avant-dancehall outfit, The Bug, on the single "Angry" from the album, London Zoo. In 2010,
Performers:Performers:Tippa Irie:Vocal,Dale Hauskins:Lead/rhythm guitars,Ras David:Bass,Wizy:keyboards/Vocals.Chasper Horton:Drums.
Instruments:Instruments:Vocals Bass Keyboards Drums lead rhythm Guitars
Record Label:Record Label:Live
File Type:File Type:Mp3
File Size:File Size:7.1 MB
External Site:External
Play Count:Play Count:842
Radio Plays:Radio Plays:2,408
Added: Feb 27, 2012      Last update: Apr 14, 2012

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