Musicians >Dale Hauskins >Audio Files > "It Doesn't Matter Anyway" Jesus Wore Dickies

Dale Hauskins

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"It Doesn't Matter Anyway" Jesus Wore Dickies

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Author/Composer:Author/Composer:Jesus Wore Dickies
Description:Description:"It Doesn't Matter Anyway" by Jesus Wore Dickies. From "Friends of Jesus" Jesus Wore Dickies CD SKUNK RECORDS FRIENDS OF J E S U S a compilation produced by jesus wore dickies Vocals by Andy Roth. Dale Hauskins:Electric Guitars DJ Doze aka Steve Chinn. Lewis Richards:Bass 17th Street Recording Studio 001 W. 17th St. #T Costa Mesa,California U.S.A. from "FRIENDS OF JESUS" (Skunk Records) A compilation of various artists/friends produced and recorded by Jesus Wore Dickies at their God Help Me! Music Studios. Jesus Wore Dickies is the name of the band. God Help Me! Music is what they call themselves when working as a production team in their studios.Oct 26, 2004
Performers:Performers:Vocals Andy Roth,Dale Hauskins,DJ Doze aka Steve Chinn,Lewis Richards,jesus wore dickies
Instruments:Instruments:Vocals Bass Keyboards Drums acoustic lead rhythm Guitars
Record Label:Record Label:Skunk Records
File Type:File Type:Mp3
File Size:File Size:2.6 MB
External Site:External
Play Count:Play Count:560
Added: Feb 29, 2012      Last update: Mar 4, 2012

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