Audio Files >Genres >Reggae > "Mr.Music"

Dale Hauskins

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Author/Composer:Author/Composer:The Alliez
Description:Description:"Mr.Music" from The Alliez, Maui, Hawaii's The Alliez reggae rock band, little surf vibe, creates a reggae rock sound that is infectious. Jacob Abeytia: Lead Vocals Ben Cerda:Bass Dale Hauskins: Lead-Rhythm guitars Sir Isaac: Keyboards,Organ Ryan Kelly: Drums & Percussion. Recorded,Mix at Capricorn Studios San Diego, California 2008. A reggae rock band from Maui with a little surf vibe Maui, Hawaii The Alliez creates a reggae rock sound that is infectious.They have played shows across Hawaii. The Alliez band,originally started in Maui,Hawaii,have fused with the musicial talents of Los Angeles,San Diego to create a new sound that defines the Pacific. Blending influences from reggae,to Latin jazz,to old school rock,The Alliez form a tight unit that is sure to make you move,groove,and think. Positive,insightful lyrics,as well as forging a unique sound are the main priorities of The Alliez.
Performers:Performers:Jacob Abeytia,Ben Cerda,Dale Hauskins,Sir Isaac, Ryan Kelly
Instruments:Instruments:Vocals Bass Keyboards Drums Percussion lead rhythm Guitars
Record Label:Record Label:Indi
File Type:File Type:Mp3
File Size:File Size:5.2 MB
External Site:External
Play Count:Play Count:822
Radio Plays:Radio Plays:2,927
Added: Mar 2, 2012      Last update: Aug 31, 2020

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