Video Files >Instruments >Bass > Martin Campbell: Live in San Diego, California 2002

Dale Hauskins

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Martin Campbell: Live in San Diego, California 2002

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Author/Composer:Author/Composer:martin campbel
Description:Description:Backed by The Jah Soldiers Band, legendary Jamaican maestro drummer Carlton "Santa" Davis @santadavis61 (Bob Marley, Ziggy Marley Aggrovators, Soul Syndicate, Roots Radics) with renowned Jamaican engineer Scientist aka Hopeton Brown @thedubscientist engineering at the mixing controls.
Performers:Performers:Sean Brandes: bass,drums: Carlton "Santa " Davis,Dale Hauskins:guitar, Steve Hoffman:Keyboards
Instruments:Instruments:bass, drums, guitar, keyboards, vocals, percusion
Record Label:Record Label:Martin Campbell
Added: Jan 26, 2020      Last update: Feb 2, 2021

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