Musicians >Dale Hauskins >Video Files > «Rise Up, Native People» by Sojie

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«Rise Up, Native People» by Sojie

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Description:Description:Featuring legendary rhythm Jamaican guitarist Tony Chin @albertvchin ,Belizean drummer Delhart McGregor aka Massive McGregor @massivemcgregor, keyboardist Bobby Cressey, Dale Hauskins on lead, pick and roll guitars; and more special guests. The album as well as the title track is to promote awareness of the injustices against all indigenous people, such as Native Americans, Australia's Aborigines, African people, Serbian people, Canadian Inuit Indians, South American people, and so many others whose voices are not being heard.
Performers:Performers:Fully Fullwood, Tony Chin,Bobby Cressey, Delhart McGregor,Dale Hauskins,Sojie
Record Label:Record Label:Fully Fullwood
Added: Jul 27, 2020      Last update: Jul 27, 2020

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