Video Files >Instruments >Guitar > Guitarist Dale Hauskins with Jon St. James progressive rock «STARFORCE 1»

Dale Hauskins

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Guitarist Dale Hauskins with Jon St. James progressive rock «STARFORCE 1»

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Author/Composer:Author/Composer:Dale Hauskins
Description:Description:Los Angeles guitarist Dale, on a rare progrock album called «STARFORCE 1» (1981 Alkon Music) solos «Voyage To The Blue Sun» with songwriter, engineer and producer Jon St. James aka Jon Willoughby (of Stacey Q fame) and maestro keyboardist John Van Tongeren. John Van Tongeren has composed music for television series, including Poltergeist:The Legacy and the nineties revival of The Outer Limits, which he won awards for. Van Tongeren has collaborated with Mancina on the Speed sequel, Speed 2: Cruise Control, and then worked with Trevor Rabin on the 1998 film Armageddon; and has worked with Chicago, Robbie Nevil, John Parr, Starship, Jeff Beck, Quincy Jones and Al Jarreau. Jon St. James's Casbah Studio, in Fullerton TEAC 8-track machine @tascam_official. A hugh part of Orange County,California's new music scene and OC punk rock scene late 1970s and early to mid-1980s and KMET promos. St. James' first album was a leader–frontman–songwriter of a progressive rock group French Lick. Returning from France, started electronic pop group SSQ with Fullerton’s Stacey Swain (Stacey Q). Dan Van Patten Yorba Linda’s late drummer, founder of Berlin. Keyboardist, composer John Van Tongeren and Arizona drummer Karl Moët. St. James and Stacey Q released a new SSQ album “Jet Town Je ’T’aime” (their first since 1984) on January 1 2022 releasing a new single which continues the duos’ expressions of fascination with French culture. Jon and Stacey Q in 1984 released "Two of Hearts", which became a worldwide pop hit on Atlantic Records. Thankfulness: #mesaengineering #framuswarwickofficial #kirlincable
Performers:Performers:Jon St.James, Dale Hauskins, John Van Tongeren, Albin Konopka
Instruments:Instruments:Guitar, Mini Moog, Drums,Fretless Bass,
Record Label:Record Label:Jon St James, Albin Konopka
External Site:External
Added: Jan 26, 2022      Last update: Feb 23, 2022

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