Video Files >Instruments >Guitar > They're Warring!

Dale Hauskins

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They're Warring!

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Album:Album:OBRE4: "CONSCIOUSness" Mix by Fully Fullwood
Description:Description:Misgana Mulat who did some wonderful job throwing down the drum tracks, keyboards, and the tight basslines while Los Angeles Californian guitarist Dale Hauskins of African reggae mega-star Majek Fashek,and England's Tippa Irie fame sweetened them up with some wicked guitar licks and everything mixed-blended together by the legendary Jamaican bassist Fully Fullwood of Bob Marley/Peter Tosh and Soul Syndicate fame(Jamaica's #1 recording/Backing band),giving it that authentic roots reggae feel yet maintaining the African groove. Sax solo by Fernando Jativa(Dave Wakeling/English Beat).
Performers:Performers:OBRE4, Dale Hauskins,Misgana Mulat
Instruments:Instruments:vocals guitar,keyboards,drums,percussion
Record Label:Record Label:OBRE4
External Site:External
Added: Dec 17, 2024      Last update: Dec 17, 2024

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