Musicians >Dale Hauskins >Video Files > Legendary U.K.'s Tippa Irie live 2013 Costa Mesa California

Dale Hauskins

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Legendary U.K.'s Tippa Irie live 2013 Costa Mesa California

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Author/Composer:Author/Composer:Dale Hauskins
Description:Description:England's legendary Tippa Irie mashing down the Tiki Bar in Costa Mesa,Orange County Southern California Keyboardist/Trombonist Andre Morris,drummer Morris Yamon;Dutch bassist Otto aka Ras Toot;and real deal wicked African percussionist Oneko Arika. Friday April 26 2013. (Thanks Lynn Ros for taking this video!)
Performers:Performers:Tippa Irie,Keyboardist/Trombonist Andre Morris,drummer Morris Yamon;Dutch bassist Otto aka Ras Toot;,Oneko Arika
Instruments:Instruments:Vocals,Voice,Electric Guitar,Keyboards,Trombone,Bass,Perc
Record Label:Record Label:Tippa Irie
External Site:External
Added: May 3, 2013      Last update: Jan 25, 2020

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