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Album: Doctor Who Themes

Doctor Who Themes
Description:Doctor Who themes written for String Orchestra. Every section has divisi. (Optionally for String Octet).
Added: Apr 8, 2012      Last update: Jun 2, 2018
Doctor Who's I Am the Doctor by Kski G
Types: PDF, Sibelius
Likes: 18   Post/View Comments
Genre: Classical/Contemporary
Instruments: 4 Violins, 2 Violas, 2 Cellos, 2 Basses
Download Count: 2,755
View Count: 12,871
Genre: Classical/Contemporary
Instruments: 4 Violins, 2 Violas, 2 Cellos, 2 Basses
Download Count: 2,755
View Count: 12,871
Doctor Who's All the Strange, Strange Creatures by Kski G
Types: PDF, Sibelius
Likes: 7   Post/View Comments
Genre: Classical/Contemporary
Instruments: String Orchestra
Download Count: 1,034
View Count: 3,284
Genre: Classical/Contemporary
Instruments: String Orchestra
Download Count: 1,034
View Count: 3,284

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