Gabriel Malancioiu

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Hasya II

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Author/Composer:Author/Composer:Gabriel Malancioiu
Description:Description:This is the second part of a concertante work for flute, piano, percussion and string orchestra. The term Hasya denotes one of the nine rasas (the dominant emotional theme of a work of art in indian philosophy), meaning the energic, the joyful. These characteristics are found in the first and the last parts of the piece. The middle part of the work falls under the incidence of shanta rasa, the peaceful.
Performers:Performers:Trio Contraste, Banatul Philharmonic Orchestra, conductor Radu Popa
Instruments:Instruments:flute, piano, percussion, string orchestra
File Type:File Type:Mp3
File Size:File Size:5.4 MB
External Site:External
Play Count:Play Count:566
Added: Sep 9, 2010      Last update: Oct 29, 2010

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