Added: Oct 26, 2009 Last update: Jan 25, 2020
Last logged: Jan 26, 2020 | |
More About MickEDSlick
- Michael Sleigh performing as Mick E.D. Slick
Mick E.D.Slick is an Indigenous Aussie Hip-Hop performer.
Mick’s D.O.B is 17th of October 1981.
14 songs are now available on Itunes since May 2008.
Ren-E sometimes backs up Mick.
Mick is the main singer/rapper/freestyler.
Mick sings what he thinks sounds good.
Mick sings what he feels.
Mick is able to freestyle extremely well, with an interesting flair and twist of language.
Mick writes his own material which reflects on his life experiences; this includes lyrics and music / beats as well as ... (more info...)
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