Musicians > Francesca Gramegna

Francesca Gramegna

Francesca Gramegna is currently offline. Click to send a message.



Other skills:Composer, Computer Music Composer, DJ, Lyricist, Guitar Player
Other genres:Alternative, Blues, Contemporary, Country, Electronic, Folk, Latin, Pop, R&B/Soul, Reggae, World
MP Activity:
City:Gravina In Puglia
Skype Instant Messaging Skype:francesca_gramegna
Added: Oct 4, 2010      Last update: Feb 23, 2018       Last logged: Aug 20, 2022Report this user as inappropriate

More About Francesca Gramegna

  • Francesca Gramegna is a professional singer, lyricist, composer and producer from Apulia, in Italy. She holds a bachelor Degree in "Show Business Management" and has been performing internationally with different live bands (jazz, soul, funk, latin, pop, rock, choir). She first trained in vocal techniques, music harmony and jazz improvisation with jazz singer Lisa Manosperti, and then piano and guitar at a private school of music. Francesca started collaborating with some DJs and producers: in 2001 she wrote the lyrics and performed in “L... (more info...)

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