Musicians > Jocelyn Night

Jocelyn Night

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Other skills:Lyricist
Other genres:Alternative, Blues, Christian, Dance, Reggae, Rock, Vocal
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Skype Instant Messaging Skype:ebonay
Added: Jul 27, 2011      Last update: Apr 21, 2013       Last logged: Sep 8, 2023Report this user as inappropriate

More About Jocelyn Night

  • Jocelyn has been singing and dancing since the young age of 5 years old. She joined her first choir in senior school and went on to run a small dance troupe in her teens. Jocelyn was heavily influenced by her mother who sang in the pubs and clubs of Manchester in the 70's and would often join her when she was rehearsing her show. Jocelyn eventually joined a Christian band and gigged around Manchester for a number of years and then went on to set up a very popular Motown band to play in her local c... (more info...)
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Audio Files

summer by Jocelyn Knight
Type: Mp3, Size: 1.1 MB, Time: 1:04
Likes: 3   Post/View Comments
Genre: Dance
Performers: Jocelyn Knight
Play Count: 558
Genre: Dance
Performers: Jocelyn Knight
Play Count: 558

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